‘She was not honest about television flop’

Marieke Elsinga certainly had a very difficult time flopping her first studio show Alles is Muziek, her colleagues reveal. “But she said no.”


It’s always very curious: when TV stars score terribly badly, they often say that it doesn’t matter to them, ‘because it was really fun in the studio’. “That’s not something that keeps me awake,” said Marieke Elsinga about her megaflop Alles is Muziek. To the chagrin of Tina Nijkamp (‘is in a bubble!’) and René van der Gijp (‘very weak’).

Mary’s flop

But was Marieke honest here? No, her RTL 4 colleagues Luuk Ikink and Rob Goossens reveal in the latest BLVD Podcast. According to them, she was just playing a good show and was really devastated by it.

Luuk and Rob discuss in the podcast that it is not always easy to discuss the suffering of colleagues. “A while ago, Marieke Elsinga had her program of course… I’ve already lost the name, check it out! Oh, Everything is Music, yes, which of course really didn’t score well and the program just wasn’t good either,” says Luuk.

Nice person

It’s difficult to knock it down then, says Luuk. “I thought so myself… Because I still speak to Marieke regularly. She worked with us and I just think she’s a nice person. But yes, everyone could also see that the program was not too good and that it just did not score well.”

He continues: “And then you can really talk about it with the mantle about love, but of course you don’t have to. Of course you can just give your honest opinion about it. And that’s fine, because yes, that’s how it works, of course.”

‘She was fed up’

Rob feels the same way. “That is a good example, because I also felt a certain discomfort there, because of course you know that Marieke also left Boulevard to pursue these kinds of opportunities. This is the first studio program that she presents solo. Yes, you just want it to work for her. And you see that that is just far from the case.”

Then he reveals that Marieke has indeed had a very difficult time with it. “You also notice that, yes, that she has a hard time with that. And she said no, but yes, we know her… Yes, of course she finds that difficult.”

Luke: “Yes, of course. That’s annoying, isn’t it?”

Equal monks

Despite the fact that Rob sees Marieke’s personal suffering, he still tries to treat such a subject objectively. “Then we also have to be a little hard on ourselves. Equal monks, equal hoods.”

“Even if someone we really like makes a bad program, we have to be able to call the beast by its name,” he concludes.
