‘She is very busy’

Well, we didn’t see this coming: Noa Vahle was attacked incredibly hard in Today Inside. According to Johan Derksen, she is starting to parasitize her mother too much. “Really so sticky.”

© SBS 6

Noa Vahle has positioned herself in the media world in a very smart way. Although Linda de Mol’s daughter is a nepobaby and owes her current position as a football reporter at Talpa purely and solely to her family ties, she still somehow managed to convince people to accept it.

Noa blunders

What always helped Noa immensely was that she had the men from Today Inside by her side. They thought she was so wonderful, ‘that girl’. So talented. And all without her mother’s last name! Exploiting your preferred position and getting away with it so easily; it is an achievement in itself. And now she’s killing it with her own hands.

When Noa has just gotten rid of the wheelbarrow teasing, she suddenly starts to have a huge crush with her mother. Like a kind of mini-Linda, she has now become an ambassador for the LINDA.foundation and has given a major interview in the family magazine LINDA. and on New Year’s Eve she will also participate in Ik Hou Van Holland, Linda’s show.

Johan attacks

It is now becoming too much for even Johan Derksen. He opens up Today Inside the attack on Noa very hard because of that news about I Love Holland. “That made me a little angry. I think it is very unwise. Noa started here in our editorial office and suddenly we needed someone for a report and she did a fantastic job.”

He continues: “That girl is a natural talent, she can handle herself, she does not use the name De Mol but that of her actual father, that’s all fine. Then she had a very big interview in the LINDA magazine. to stand. Then I said: ‘That is not wise, Noa. You can be interviewed in any newspaper, but you don’t have to be in the LINDA. to stand.'”

Sticky Mole stuff

It is grist to the mill that Noa has her first interview in the LINDA. does, says Johan. “Then you get that lame De Mol thing again, like: they help each other. The Mole wheelbarrow. And now she’s going to be in Ik Hou Van Holland on New Year’s Eve with all those celebrities who are being silly all evening. Such a young girl doesn’t belong there at all.”

He continues: “She shouldn’t do that, she should go her own way and not try to become a star with that Mole clique. I think it is unwise of her mother, I think it is unwise of her uncle and in fact she should have said: ‘No, no, I will go my own way. I don’t go to my mother’s shows and I don’t go to my mother’s in the magazine.’”

VI sympathy

So far, Noa has been very much supported by the VI supporters, but these statements from Johan could have a negative impact game changer are. Will she soon become one of those typical celebrities that many people are annoyed by? “A lot of people who see that interpret it completely wrong and they lose sympathy,” Johan thinks.

Table guest Albert Verlinde: “I agree with such a magazine. If you ever tell a story like that, you shouldn’t do it in the family magazine, so to speak, but in an I Love Holland…”

‘A bit sticky’

Albert thinks it can’t do that much harm, but according to Johan the image is changing drastically. “That’s a terrible program. A girl like that doesn’t belong there, does she?”

He concludes: “I think it’s a bit tacky. She shouldn’t sit with her mother and bump into her. In addition, she is a young girl and she is standing there among those shitty old celebrities. I don’t think it fits at all.”

And so Noa still becomes the walking nepobaby cliché. Welcome to the wheelbarrow fair…
