She is always my madness, on Rai 2 the obsession of a stalker

R.the psychopath comes back Bruce Kane in the third installment of the TV movie series She is my madness. This evening Rai 2, at 21.20, he proposes She is always my madness, sequel to She is my madnessstarring one stalker obsessed with women and sharks. A perfect combination to stay glued to the TV too in the summertime.

Bruce is blond, handsome and reassuring, but as in the classics thriller Appearances are deceiving. In fact, the handsome young man hides a past not quite as a good boy (if anyone has seen the previous chapters of the saga they know it well, if you don’t know we warn you). As he himself says: “Humans have a lot in common with sharks“. Here, he is the predator hunting for prey.

She is always my madness: plot

Kaneplayed for the second time by Houston Stevensonlives in an isolated lighthouse and has the same obsession as always: le girls and sharks. Yes, the sharks. He has such a symbiotic relationship with them that they follow him wherever he wants. In this third adventure Bruce calls himself David and pretends to be an oceanographer. And just like his predatory friends she’s on the hunt for new prey after her beloved Alison. Who will end up in his clutches? High school student Courtney (Leigha Sinnott).

One evening there girl together with a group of friends, Ryan (Chris Jehnert), Peter (Jonathan Cruz) e Kat (Amber Janea), decides to go swimming near the lighthouse when she is attacked by sharks. Who could intervene to save the young student? Obviously David.

She is fascinated by that brave boy. The two begin dating and even Courtney introduces him to his father Branden (Matthew Crawley), who senses that something is wrong. Not only that, sneaking into the lighthouse, he discovers the past from killer of the young man. Will Branden manage to escape Bruce’s murderous intentions? The thriller thickens: Courtney and her parents are in danger of their lives. David also targets Heathermother of the new flame, posing as her beau in a dating chat by disguising herself with the name of Jack.

A thriller between sharks and an obsession with women

Don’t expect a thriller a la Robert Eggers (look at you The Lighthouse staying on the subject of headlights and suspense) or to the Hitchcockalthough in the film of Colin Theys is quoted Psycho, one of the most successful films of the master of the thrill. Watching She is always my madness you will understand better.

Recurring themes of the masterpieces of Hitch like the double or the exchange of identity, well analyzed The woman who lived twice or ne The man who knew too much. Without getting too many expectations: the third chapter starring him blond stalker Bruce Kane it’s perfect for entertaining on a mid-August evening. Another note: there is a pinch of Do not open that door, but without excessive bloodshed.

