Shannen Doherty: Divorce!

Actress Shannen Doherty is filing for divorce, according to numerous US media.

Shannen Doherty’s marriage is ending in divorce. PDO

Remembered as Brenda Walsh from Ysäri series Beverly Hills 90210 Shannen Doherty, 52, is filing for divorce. The actor’s union lasted eleven years.

Doherty was married Kurt Iswarienko with. The separation was confirmed to the media by Doherty’s representative Leslie Sloane.

– Divorce is the last thing Shannen wanted, Sloane commented in a statement sent by email on Saturday.

– Unfortunately, however, he felt that he had no other choice, the representative continued in his statement.

Doherty has submitted the application alone.

The actor himself has not directly commented on the breakup, but on Friday he posted an ambiguous update on Instagram.

– The only people who deserve to be in your life are the ones who treat you with love, kindness and total respect, Doherty wrote, without revealing in more detail what he was referring to with his update.

In recent years, Doherty has openly told the public that he has cancer.
