Shakira Pique separation | Meeting with the lawyers

  • The main stumbling block in the negotiation is the custody of the ex-partner’s children in the face of the singer’s interest in moving to Miami

The Colombian singer Shakira and the FC Barcelona player, Gerard Piqué, met this Thursday in Barcelona, ​​along with their lawyers, to try to reach an agreement on their separation, as confirmed by EL PERIÓDICO and the ‘Mamarazzis’. This meeting took place until shortly before eight in the evening, and both left the building separately. The negotiations between the artist from Barraquilla and the Barça defender are being especially intense. One of the aspects to resolve is the custody of the children of the marriage before the intention of the singer to go to live in Miami.

Shakira and Piqué have hired two renowned matrimonial lawyers, Pilar Mañé and Ramón Tamborero, who during their long professional career have represented celebrities and people from the Catalan business elite. Due to the type of clients who come to them to solve family crises, they are extremely discreet. Therefore, it has not been possible to confirm if the aforementioned meeting has been held in one of his professional offices or abroad, although some sources assure that the meeting took place in the office of the player’s lawyer.

Contrasting visions

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The ex-partner continues with completely conflicting plans for the future of the two children they have in common, which makes it difficult to find a solution that satisfies both. Taking into account that she wants to move to Miami and that he flatly refuses, it seems difficult that they can reach an intermediate point. In any case, they will try it in this new meeting. Other aspects to elucidate, as usually happens in sentimental breakups, is the economic one. The summer, due to the vacations of the minor children, has only been a respite in contacts.

The singer is pending a trial in Spain for alleged fraud against the Treasury, despite the fact that she has paid the allegedly defrauded fee and has regularized her situation before the Tax Agency. Shakira must appear in court to sit on the bench, despite the fact that, in the end, her defense reaches an agreement with the prosecution and the State Attorney, a situation that, for now, the singer does not contemplate.
