Shakira is seen again with this famous

05/11/2023 at 20:22


They both see each other again after having dinner together last Monday

On this occasion, the two have been caught on board a yacht and in the company of friends

As you well know, Shakira has been living in Miami for a while with her children, so it wasn’t strange at all. see her in the past Formula 1 Grand Prixwhich took place in the American city.

The Colombian is waiting for his new single, called ‘Acróstico’, will be released this Fridaybut she has also been in the news because she has been seen with some other celebrity in recent days, as is the case with Tom Cruise, with whom he met in one of the boxes of the Miami GP circuitbut this was not the only one with which the artist was seen.

Also, the singer was seen not long ago having dinner in a luxurious Miami restaurant with neither more nor less than the Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton. The truth is that, apparently, neither of them was very concerned about having been caught together, which could indicate that there is simply a friendship between the twoalthough other options cannot be ruled out, obviously.

Now, the rumors seem to continue growing and more now that the one from Barranquilla and the British pilot have seen each other again. Specifically, from various media, such as The Sun and Daily Mail, they have shared images in which the woman herself is clearly seen. Shakira and Lewis Hamilton on board a yacht and with the company of more friends. The truth is that you can see them both very happy.

Obviously, these captures are flying on social networks and The singer’s fans are very excited about their favorite singersince it is possible that he has found love again, something that would be in line with the good professional state in which he is.

We have to keep in mind that Shakira comes from winning the award for ‘Woman of the Year’ at recent awards. “There comes a time in the life of every woman in which one no longer depends on someone to end up loving or accepting herself as she is. […] It doesn’t matter so much if someone is faithful to you or not, what really matters is if you continue to be faithful to yourself.”said the artist in the speech she gave.
