Shakira faces eight years in prison

The prosecutor demands a long prison sentence and millions in fines for the pop star.

Shakira may face a prison sentence. PDO

Pop star Shakira (real name Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll) has been in the headlines for tax fraud in recent years. Now Shakira is being asked to serve more than eight years in prison for tax fraud in Spain. In addition to the prison sentence, he is also required to pay 23 million euros in fines.

According to the prosecutor, the singer has failed to pay taxes on nearly 14.5 million euros between 2012 and 2014. According to the prosecutor, Shakira lived in the northern part of Spain in Catalonia during those years.

It has also previously been revealed that Shakira was officially registered in the Bahamas, known for its low taxation, even though she was already living with her family in Spain.

The representatives of the pop star have said that Shakira moved to Spain only in 2015, after which she has fulfilled all the tax obligations imposed on her.

Earlier this week, Shakira refused a settlement proposed by the court to settle the case. He has denied the charges. According to Shakira’s representatives, she has nothing left to pay.

The date of the upcoming trial is not yet known.

Shakira and soccer player Gerard Pique broke up in June. The couple was together since 2010, when they met during the World Cup.

Shakira is a well-known pop singer. His biggest hits are Whenever, Wherever, Hips Don’t Lie and “Waka Waka”. PDO

This is how Shakira was followed when she left a hotel last year.

Source: Mirror
