Sexualised violence in handball

“Provisions. Recognize. Action – Essen sports clubs against sexualized violence”. Under this motto, the Essen sports association Espo launched a pilot project in spring 2022. Ten of the city’s clubs have completed a year of advanced training on the subject of “prevention of sexualised violence”.

The Krupp Foundation supports the participating clubs with 3,000 euros each – including: the Märkische Turngemeinde Horst. Only a few weeks after the end of the project, André Fuhr was hired as the new coach of the first men’s team in the association league.

Astonishment in the scene, because numerous top handball players accuse Fuhr of emotional and sexualized violence. an independent processing commission is currently investigating the case.

When asked by Deutschlandfunk, the Krupp Foundation wrote about MTG Horst’s commitment to André Fuhr: “We very much regret the decision that has been made and distance ourselves from it.”

Regarding possible consequences for MTG Horst, the answer from the Krupp Foundation says: “The subject of an internal review is currently whether the funding relationship can be continued. We take it very seriously.”
