Sex workers will soon be able to officially start working as an employee | Interior

Sex workers will soon be able to officially start working as an employee. The federal government decided this on Friday, reports Minister of Work and Economy Pierre-Yves Dermagne (PS).

Since 1 June last year, sex work is no longer prohibited in our country. Since then they have been able to work legally as self-employed persons and thus build up social rights. The bill that was approved on Friday ensures that they can also work as employees. According to Minister of Social Affairs Frank Vandenbroucke (Vooruit), the bill must guarantee that sex workers receive the same rights as other employees.

At the same time, the bill builds in safety guarantees. For example, sex workers can refuse to perform sexual acts or refuse clients without this being grounds for dismissal, and there must be an emergency button in every room, says Minister of Justice Vincent Van Quickenborne (Open VLD). In addition, the employer must have a clean criminal record and be established in Belgium, and a reference person must always be present.

“This step forward is in no way intended to encourage prostitution, but provides a framework for it,” emphasizes Dermagne. Pimping is still prohibited, and anyone who uses sex workers outside the legal framework, i.e. pimps, can still be prosecuted.
