Sex and prevention: the new podcast against male taboos

Stit, virility, but also fears, doubts, prejudices and stereotypes. To talk about it lightly and ironically, but with data in hand and scientific explanations, a new podcast created by the radio and TV host and writer is online Diego Passoni together with the urologist and influencers Nicholas Macchione For make people aware of prevention issues in an amusing way.

Sex and health, the new podcast dedicated to men

The new podcast series Cazzi Nostri – Things between males it is available for free on all audio streaming platforms. In the project were involved, in addition to the conductor Diego Passoni and to the urologist and influencers Nicholas Macchione, personalities from the world of entertainment, culture and sport including J-Ax, Max Pezzali, Peter Gomez, Cristian Brocchi, Tommaso Zorzi, Francesco Mandelli, Alvise Rigo, Luca Gervasi.

Urological disorders: no more taboos!

Traditionally, men talk little about urological disorders, such as prostate disease, which affects more than half of males over 50. There is a very old prejudice according to which virility is questioned if only you book a visit to the urologist. And yet, according to the data Federalians, suffer from enlarged prostate over 6 million Italians with more than 50 years. Precisely, the 50% of males between 51 and 60 years, and it goes further 70% in the over 61s. While I pour the 80 years old the incidence of prostate disorders reaches the 90%.

A visit to the urologist is essential

All problems that in most cases would be avoidable by simply going to the urologist once a year starting from adolescence, unless there are disorders that lead to closer checks, as recommended by the experts of the Italian Society of Urology. Prevention must no longer be considered a “woman thing”, but become a habit to protect your health without waiting for your partner or mother to book the visit.

All issues that men talk little about, due to consolidated stereotypes and taboos, linked to a traditional and often “toxic” concept of virility. It is the first time that famous people have come out naked on these issues and it is an intelligent way to spread information, as well as to dismantle prejudices and false myths.

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To listen to the first two episodes are already online:

