Sex and power | News

Biographers and historians have filled pages of books with sexual scandals of heroes and other prominent figures in the United States. bThe vertigo and omnipotence generated by power in any of its expressions usually awakens uncontrollable libidos. That is why North American politics, as is common in the world, is plagued by shocking cases of a sexual nature. Although until the second half of the 20th century, cases were known when their protagonists were already dead and their biographers or historians wrote books uncovering them.

With the exception of Thomas Jefferson, whose clandestine relationship with a slave was the first scandal known to the public in real time, because it was used against his candidacy in an election campaign. The first president was also the first of the leaders to whom uncomfortable bedroom secrets were discovered. One of George Washington’s biographers revealed that he had a friend’s wife as a lover.

Cases of relationships with minor slaves populated the first century of North American history. And in the 19th century there was the first complaint against a president for rape. It was raised by a woman against Grover Cleveland, who managed to make her look crazy. In the 20th century there were cases that seem like cinematic comedy. Like that of Warren Harding, a president who, in the 1920s, had relations with his secretary inside a closet in the White House, in case his distrustful wife tried to catch him red-handed in one of her infidelities.

Another Republican president, General Ike Eisenhower, had had his Irish assistant and driver as a lover during World War II, in which he was the main architect of the Allied victory. On the list of presidents who had sex in the Oval Office of the White House is Democrat Lindon Johnson, discovered by his wife herself when he was in the middle of a sexual act with his secretary. And before that president, another Democratic president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, had for years the secretary of his wife, the popular Eleanor, as a lover.

Harding was a Republican and held the record for lovers until Democrat John F. Kennedy appeared and broke all records with the long list headed by Marilyn Monroe.
But all of these cases, with the exception of the scandal involving Jefferson, became known much later through books by biographers and historians. The real-time sex scandals began with Democrat Gary Hart, who was left out of the 1988 election campaign after it was discovered that he was lying about an extramarital affair with Donna Rice, a stunning model.

The most resonant scandals involved Bill Clinton, first when he was governor of Arkansas and was denounced for harassment by government employee Paula Jones, and then due to the high-profile Monica Lewinsky Case, during his second presidential term. Trump was also at the center of scandals that led to judicial proceedings, such as the payment with campaign funds that he made to porn film actress Stormy Daniels to keep her silent about the relationships, also paid, that he had had with her. That scandal broke out when there were already more than twenty women who filed accusations against the New York tycoon for harassment and sexual assault.

Except for the accusations against Trump and the complaint that Paula Jones could not prove in court, the cases that appear in several books constitute sexual scandals but not crimes. That is the difference with the Epstein case. Of those mentioned in the documents that are coming to light, many may have been clients of the sexual services offered by that financial magnate, charging for them or acquiring extortion power over his powerful consumers. And the services in question, as well as the complicit silence about this sexual trafficking, constitute crimes because they involve adolescents.

Jeffrey Epstein, the magnet that attracted Hollywood stars, the business elite and powerful politicians, became a curse for everyone who had any kind of connection with him. The documents of the “Epstein case” began to ooze names of movie stars, arch-millionaires, celebrities from different fields and, by the way, protagonists of the political scene.
It turns out that the financial magnate was addicted to sex with teenagers who turned his disgusting perversion into a business and an instrument of power.

From the first complaint, filed in 2005 for abusing a fourteen-year-old girl, to those that were added in the following years for paying underage girls to give him “massages” in his Palm Beach mansion, to the which in 2019 led him to prison in New York for “sexual trafficking of minors”, Epstein exponentially increased his relationships with celebrities, millionaires and powerful people of all kinds.

In addition to the proven case of abuse of a minor in an Epstein mansion by Prince Andrew, brother of the current British king, the eruption of the documents has so far shed names such as Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Barak Obama, Leonardo Di Caprio, Tom Hanks and Cameron Díaz, among many others. It is clear that appearing mentioned in documents referring to a millionaire who had spent decades interacting with all the elites and even took photos with Pope John Paul II, does not prove that the sex service with pubescent boys and adolescents that he and he offered was accessed. his wife, Ghislaine Maxwell. But it splashes and stains because it generates suspicions and suspicions. Especially in cases like that of Clinton, who was at the center of two sexual scandals. The list is a Pandora’s box that will continue to release names that will shake the political scene of the United States.

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