Şevval Şahin’s share fell into the language of social media

Şevval Şahin, who spends half the year traveling, is tired of air travel! Miss Turkey 2018, who stayed in Istanbul for a month, recently said:

“It felt good to be in Istanbul. I’m pretty happy. There are new projects. I plan them, I spend time with my friends. I’m tired of flying head and shoulders. I didn’t even go to Paris last week because I wanted to stay in one place for a while.”


Şevval Şahin was reflected in the lenses at the Nihan Peker fashion show, which he attended as an audience the previous day. Şahin, who said that he came to Istanbul for business and helped village schools, said:

“I’ve been dealing with my work, I’ve been in Istanbul for a while, there are a few good projects, I evaluate them and I enjoy being here. I couldn’t go to the places I helped, I sent books, but I want to go to Mardin in April and have a library built there,” he said.


The young model defended that her message, “I’m tired of traveling, I can’t even go to Paris” was misunderstood, and said, “I mean, I’m very happy to be in Istanbul, flying around makes people tired right now. It’s helpful for me to stay still. I didn’t say anything like that. “I don’t read the comments on social media, I used to.”


2018 Miss Turkey Şevval Şahin was on the agenda of Turkey with a program she attended. Şahin, directed to him, “Do you know the National Anthem?”, “Do you know any of Atatürk’s words?” and “How many geographic regions are there in Turkey?” He had a difficult time not being able to answer his questions. Şevval Şahin, who left many questions unanswered, “Do you know Fahrettin Koca?” He gave the answer “Pass” to the question.

After the news, Şevval Şahin said, “Would I be an exemplary Turkish woman if I had sung the National Anthem? I had all my education in English, it’s normal that I don’t know some subjects. Does that make me less Turkish? I don’t think so.” had made the statement. Many famous names also supported Şahin.


Hawk; He made a name for himself with his latest post. The model, who actively uses her Instagram account with more than 400 thousand followers, shared a box of attachments she liked with her followers last night.

Şevval Şahin wrote on this post, “The best eclair I’ve ever eaten in my life, I’ll go crazy, I can finish the whole box now”. Şahin’s calling the attachments “eclair” became the agenda on social media.

Her followers poured comments on the model, saying, “I think I can speak half Turkish and half English in the current fashion”, “I’m trying to praise my English”, “Okay sister, you’re mostly French”.
