Seville-Rome: clashes in Budapest, 3 injured. 7 Polish fans arrested

These would be ultras from Slask Krakow, who arrived in Hungary only to face the Spanish supporters, with whom they have had an account open for 10 years

Three fans injured in clashes, seven arrested. It is an initial assessment of the clashes that took place in the afternoon in the streets of Budapest before Rome-Seville.

Hungarian police said a Spanish fan and a Swedish fan were taken to hospital for further treatment following a fight. Seven arrested, and all of Polish nationality, confirming the fears of the convergence of ultras of other nationalities to fuel incidents. In fact, it seems that in recent days the news has circulated that the ultras of Slask Krakow were preparing an expedition to Hungary on the occasion of the Europa League final, because for about ten years they have been the protagonists of clashes with the Andalusian fans. In 2015 they attacked Sevilla fans in Manchester, before a game against City.
