Seville on Dominguez, Motta tries to stop him: ‘I would always like someone like this’

The coach sets stakes for next season. On Friday, President Saputo will return to the city and talk about the future

Joey Saputo, president of Bologna, will return to the city on Friday and will be present for the last home match against Napoli. The return of the Bologna number one will be an opportunity – one of many – to start the planning engine for the coming year. Thiago Motta (who today made a blitz in Rome for personal reasons and not for football) appears in many “gossip” of the benches but at the moment – barring cataclysms – he has no intention of leaving Bologna, also due to the strength of a contract that it will expire in 2024. As for the renewal, well, the Bologna coach will probably talk about it at the end of the championship with Saputo and with all the graduates, from CEO Fenucci to dt Sartori up to diesse Marco Di Vaio. There are stakes to set, players to retain, planning to do “with clear ambitions – Thiago Motta himself said several times – and realistic goals”. In the meantime, there is the race for eighth place: Bologna are playing for it and in the last two days they will have Napoli and will have to go to Lecce.

Seville on Dominguez

Among those players that Thiago Motta would absolutely not want to lose is Nicolas Dominguez. “Yes, I’d be sorry to lose him next year” said the coach two weeks ago, implying that he’s thinking about next season, like planning the summer training camp which will take place from 13 to 22 July in Valles. And it was precisely on Nicolas Dominguez that the Bologna coach expressed himself once again with evident clarity, as a clear message to the club that should resist the sale and which has proposed an extension of the current agreement until 2026. The entourage of the Argentine considers whether to accept or not, above all because of the salary which must not exceed 1.5 million euros. Dominguez is being sought by Sevilla. Knowing he will be able to resist? “Nico is a very important boy, in every sense – Motta said -: in the locker room he is a fantastic boy, in training the same, he transmits and demonstrates what we want to be as a team. On the pitch he often gets into trouble, knowing it well, but for the good of the team. He always gives 120%. There are many things to make the leap, he has enormous ambition for the way he works and I hope that we can always improve so that his level rises further. I am very happy to have such a player, one of those I always want to have on my side because I know that in times of difficulty they are there, with me.” Motta advised Dominguez to complete his growth for another year or two in Bologna: the rest will be understood in two-three weeks.
