Severi Lahtinen was sentenced in the spring for aggravated drunk driving

In November 2022, Severi Lahtinen drove drunk in Lahti.

Severi Lahtinen received a 55-day suspended sentence for aggravated drunk driving. Jaakko Stenroos / AOP

The district court of Päijät-Häme condemned the SM league to play in JYP Severi Lahtinen in April, for aggravated drunk driving, to 55 days of suspended imprisonment. In addition, he had to pay 35 daily fines, i.e. 1,925 euros.

In November 2022, Lahtinen drove a car drunk in the center of Lahti. He blew 0.81 per mille.

The crime took place at night on a public road, so the district court considered that it was capable of causing a danger to the safety of other people.

Lahtinen was sentenced to two years in prison for rape on Tuesday. The rape case takes place in the summer of 2022.

At that time, he was staying at the victim’s apartment after the festivals. According to the prosecutor, due to his state of intoxication and/or sleep, the victim had been unable to defend himself and form or express his will for sexual intercourse.

The judgment is not binding.

Lahtinen has denied his guilt. According to him, sexual intercourse took place with the consent of both parties. He said on Instagram that he plans to appeal the verdict to the Court of Appeal.
