Severe weather coming, lightning, hail and gusts of wind

After a new drought record of more than a month, heavy thunderstorms and rain are on the menu from tomorrow. That means: local thunderstorms, hail, rain and strong gusts of wind in our province.

Tonight we will first have to deal with a stuffy night in the province, just before the serious thunder breaks loose tomorrow. There is also a chance of a thunderstorm locally tonight, according to Weeronline.

Tomorrow, Noord-Holland will not be the first to go. In the northern half of our country, a shower falls here and there in the morning. A weak to moderate wind turns to the south during the morning.

Short but fierce

Code yellow, including rain, hail and thunderstorms, will only reach our province in the evening. The storm starts in the southern provinces and moves northeast across the country. The showers are short, but can be intense and wind gusts of up to 75 kilometers per hour are predicted.

According to NH weatherman Jan Visser, it is impossible to predict how intense and where the showers will fall. “It varies from place to place.” He’s spot on. “Remember that code yellow is primarily a warning.”

During the night it will be dry again in most places. It will not get colder than about 17 degrees. On Wednesday morning, peace will return: some rain will fall locally, but during the course of the morning the weather will be dry everywhere.

Tropical weekend

According to Weeronline, our province will most likely be spared rain and thunderstorms on Thursday. Sunny weather is predicted, the wind turns to the north and less warm air is transported to our country.

The temperature in the afternoon is between 21 and 24 degrees. Relaxing in this cooler weather is only possible temporarily: in the weekend we are already looking forward to tropical temperatures. Visser: “It remains warm and it is mainly dry and often sunny.”
