Several thousand demonstrate in Berlin against compulsory vaccination and corona measures

According to the police, around 3,000 people demonstrated on Saturday afternoon under the motto “Peaceful Together” in Berlin against a general obligation to vaccinate and against the corona measures.

“We are currently accompanying the demo with 200 emergency services on site,” said a police spokeswoman in the afternoon.

The demonstrators moved from the Brandenburg Gate in a circle through Berlin-Mitte in the direction of the main station. Slogans were shown on posters such as “Care with heart, without compulsory vaccination”, “Only those who get up can sit down again” and “Freedom instead of fear”.

According to the organizers’ Internet appeal, political symbols were “undesirable” at the demo.

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The protesters are demanding “recognition of natural immunity”, “an end to all measures” and a free vaccination decision on the Internet.

According to the police on Saturday afternoon, the demonstration was initially peaceful.


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