Several protesters wanted to tie themselves to Tottenham goal

After a spectator tied himself to the goal post in Goodison Park just a few days ago, several young protesters repeated this action at a London city duel.

Wild scenes at the Premier League game between Tottenham and West Ham. Several spectators stormed the field and tried to tie themselves to the goal with cable ties. With this action, the young activists of the group “Just Stop Oil” wanted to work to stop the exploration of fossil fuels in Great Britain.

One of the protesters is intercepted by a security guard before he can tie himself to the goal net. (Source: Shutterstock/imago images)

A similar scene took place in Everton’s game against Newcastle on Friday. However, the protesters managed to fix themselves to the goal post with a special cable tie. As a result, there was a 10-minute break in the game. Only bolt cutters that were brought in ended the action.

It was different at Tottenham Stadium in north London: the rapid intervention of the security forces prevented the tethering to the post and the goal net, and the activists were quickly led off the field.
