Several platforms at Central Station closed after suspicious package was found

The police have cordoned off part of Central Station. A suspicious package was found there around 7 p.m. The Defense Explosive Ordnance Disposal Service (EOD) is on its way.

Several platforms and tracks have been closed as a precaution. An agent from the Explosives and Safety Team (TEV) is present and has requested the arrival of the EOD. The EOD comes from a barracks in Soesterberg or Den Helder, so it will take a while until the military explosives experts arrive.

A spokesperson for the NS says that this concerns track 1, track 2, track 3, track 4 and track 5. “This has no impact on train traffic, because trains arrive on other tracks or depart from other tracks. We therefore advise travelers to view the journey planner before their journey.”

Suspicious packages are often found at Central Station, but they usually involve accidentally left suitcases. The police cannot yet say whether it is a suitcase again this time.

According to bystanders, the package was found on a platform above the Cuyperspassage. The bicycle and pedestrian tunnel has also been closed by the police.

More later.
