Several empty gas stations due to rush for “cheap” petrol

Fuel prices will go up from tomorrow and in anticipation of this, many North Hollanders are quickly filling up their tanks (and jerry cans) today. This causes crowds at the petrol stations and irritation.

“I think it’s ridiculous,” complains a woman at a gas station in Beverwijk. “Everything is triple taxed.”

There have been long queues at many petrol stations all day long and the Tango petrol station in Hoofddorp is said to have run out of petrol, a tipster reports to NH.

A spokesperson for Tango confirms that several stations have indeed run out of petrol. “And there is a good chance that they will not be refilled today,” the spokesperson emphasizes. At several stations, the petrol has now run out. According to the spokesperson, that number will increase as more people join the queues. “But we have arranged extra drivers and work with a maximum occupancy.”

2.15 euros per litre

Because now you can. Starting tomorrow, driving will become a lot more expensive. The excise duty on petrol, which was reduced last year, will increase by about 14 cents per liter as of 1 July. The suggested retail price for petrol then goes to 2.15 euros per litre. Diesel will be 10 cents more expensive and LPG will increase by 6 cents. For a full tank, you will then spend an average of 5 to 10 euros more expensive.

The excise duty discount was introduced in April last year when prices for petrol and diesel rose sharply as a result of the war in Ukraine. To ease the pain in the wallet, a discount of 17 cents per liter on petrol and 11 cents per liter on diesel was introduced. But that will end tomorrow.

Two-thirds to the treasury

The Netherlands is a leader in Europe when it comes to fuel prices and that is mainly due to the tax burden imposed by the government. According to Paul van Selms of consumer organization United Consumers, about two-thirds of the fuel price goes directly into the treasury. “First of all, there is a fixed amount of excise duty that is levied on a liter of fuel,” van Selms explains.

On top of that comes VAT and some other forms of tax. “For example, oil companies pay a stock levy, a tax that must be paid because of the temporary storage of fuel. And pumps located on the highway also have to pay so-called ‘precario’: a levy for the use of the land under a gas station. All these taxes are ultimately passed on to the customer.”

The higher price will take effect at midnight tonight.

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