Several dogs sick, two deceased: is there an animal abuser active in South Scharwoude?

A big mystery in Zuid-Scharwoude: in a week’s time two dogs died there due to possible poisoning. In the vicinity of the Lindelaan and the Dokter Wilminkstraat, several rolls of meat were found, tied with iron wire or fish hooks and filled with a ‘suspicious purple substance’. Several dogs suffered from epileptic seizures after ingestion.

Fortunately for dog Nooa, the help came in time – Photo: via Peter

The police advises dog owners in the Lindelaan area in Zuid-Scharwoude to pay close attention when walking their dog. Two dogs died under suspicious circumstances last week after eating a roll of meat off the ground while walking. At least three other dogs became seriously ill. All animals experienced epileptic seizures after eating.

Dog owners report in the Facebook group ‘Je bent er en uit Langedijk als’ that since January there have regularly been rolled up pieces of meat between the grass and in the bushes.


Nooa, Peter’s dog from Zuid-Scharwoude ate such a roll of meat last week and had an epileptic attack shortly afterwards. “My son called in a panic and said: Dad, Nooa is shaking. Then I drove home full throttle and then raced straight to the vet.”

There they suspect that Nooa has ingested some poison. They give her food, in which cotton balls are hidden. Then she is given a drug that makes her vomit. “The hooks that were in the meat then attach to the cotton ball. Then there is less chance of her stomach or esophagus being damaged.”

The roll of meat that Peter pulled out of Nooa’s mouth just yesterday morning

When Nooa has spit everything out, according to Peter, it appears from the wimps that there were fish hooks and wire in her stomach. Although the vet can’t confirm that there was poison in the meat, he is convinced that an animal abuser is active in the area.

Just in time

Yesterday morning while walking they find another roll of meat, but this time pull it out of her mouth just in time. “I’ve never seen my 16-year-old son so upset. The whole neighborhood is in turmoil because of this idiot.”

Polly, Rob and Esther’s dog, passed away last Friday after a series of epileptic seizures. During her walk the night before, she also ate a suspicious roll of meat from the floor. “It happened within fifteen minutes. This was just poison, there is no other way,” Rob previously told NH News.

After her death, they decide to go back to the place where Polly was eating something. Between the grass they find two pieces of meat, which are rolled up with fish hooks. “That stuff that was in the meat has turned purple. We think it was rat poison.”

Pup Polly did not survive the seizures – Photo: via Rob and Esther

Rob and Esther file a report. Polly is buried in the garden, but later exhumed at the request of the police. They have the meat rolls and Polly’s body examined. Only dog ​​biscuits are found in her stomach. According to the police, the seized meat does not contain fish hooks, but iron wire.

Toxin or not?

Whether the seized meat actually contained poison has yet to be investigated. “It has only been visually examined and is in the freezer. Poison (granules) or the like have not been seen visually. There are some purple discolorations in it,” a spokesperson responds.

The judiciary is now being consulted on whether a toxicological examination should be carried out on the meat and the blood taken from Polly, the Noord-Holland police reports. “Very strange that nothing was found in her stomach,” Rob responds. “She had the same seizures as the other dogs, so maybe she had already spit it out. Polly only weighed four kilos. So whether that purple stuff is poison or ibuprofen, for example, it has done its job.”

The police urges dog owners who have experienced the same thing to file a report. “It is important to have leads, because these are often difficult cases. Always report if you suspect that your pet has been poisoned. This falls under animal abuse and that is punishable.”

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