Several demonstrations on abortion rights in Berlin

A counter-protester campaigning for abortion rights

A counter-protester campaigning for abortion rights Photo: AFP

From BZ/dpa

The dispute over abortion rights brought several thousand people onto the streets of Berlin on Saturday.

Anti-abortion protesters demonstrated at the Brandenburg Gate with a “March for Life”. According to a police spokesman, around 3,000 people came together by the early evening, and the organizers spoke of around 4,000 people.

Participants in the

Participants in the “March for Life” demo on Saturday Photo: AFP

Several counter-demonstrations were also registered, in which, according to initial police estimates, several hundred people also took part. They held up signs that demanded, for example, “Stop criminalizing abortion”.

Both Demonstrations were occasionally disrupted, said a police spokesman on Saturday evening. In some cases personal details were recorded.


abortion demonstration
