Seven-party coalition will manage Noorderzijlvest Water Board

A coalition of seven parties will manage the Noorderzijlvest Water Board. Water Natural, Guaranteed Unbuilt, VVD, CDA, PvdA, Guaranteed Nature and Student & Water have reached an agreement on the policy for the coming years.

Initially, the BoerBurgerBeweging joined the negotiations, but formateur Ton Baas concluded that this option revealed ‘too many substantive differences’.

The seven-party coalition has a large majority with 16 of a total of 23 seats. The two relatively unknown parties that co-govern, Guaranteed Onbouw and Guaranteed Nature, are stakeholders in agriculture and nature and are assigned permanent seats. The other five parties were democratically elected.

The new board says it values ​​water ‘as an important and indispensable element in the working area and as a carrier of existing and new spatial developments’. The coalition also wants to respond to the consequences of climate change by working on a ‘naturally designed water system’ that would be better able to absorb the effects than technological solutions alone.

Arie van Wijk (Water Naturally), Annette van Velde (Geborgd Onbouw, VVD, CDA) and Herman Beerda (PvdA) have been nominated as new members of the executive committee. A fourth person is still being sought. The intention is that the fourth member of the executive board will be recruited externally and installed at a later date.
