Servet Yardimci officially announced: As a football country, we are candidates for 2028 and 2032

While Turkey has officially announced that it has applied for the 2028 European Football Championship, TFF 1st Deputy Chairman Servet Yardimci made a statement to the press during the training of the National Team in Portugal.

Starting his speech by stating that Turkey is a very important stakeholder and member of UEFA, assisting said, “The enthusiasm of our country, the fact that we are a football country, the stadiums made by our state under the leadership of our President, and its contribution to football make our country a natural candidate for these tournaments. This time, I hope it’s lucky.” England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, as well as Russia announced its candidacy today. We have also created and formalized our candidacy file for both 2028 and 2032. I hope we will take this process well and in the end, all of us, as TFF, will look forward to the future. We will leave a good legacy. We will live and see this process together, it will be good for our country,” he said. Underlining that the race for the candidacy will be between 3 candidates, Lider said, “England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland are candidates as a bloc. We and Russia are separate candidates. It is not possible to split into 10 cities as in 2020. The group of 4 countries nominated as the United Kingdom. 3 “There will be a race between the candidates and we will experience and see this process together. We want to get whichever one is from 2028 or 2032. We will experience this process according to the developments. As TFF, we will determine our actions in this direction,” he said.


Underlining that Turkey is a natural candidate for Euro 2028 and Euro 2032 in all respects, Yardimci said, “I think we deserve it with its infrastructure, superstructure and stadiums, being a football country and Turkish people’s inclination towards football. I hope luck will be on our side and we will make our country proud, like tomorrow’s match. Tomorrow’s game is also very important. Portugal is a strong rival and we came here because we are a strong football country. Single matches are always difficult and the chance is 50 percent. Therefore, we hope that football luck will be on our side. We want to make our country happy. National team, “It is a source of morale and prestige for our country. I think it will be morale in terms of prestige abroad and the climate in the country,” he said. Lastly, the assistant added that the morale in the team was good and said, “The morale of the team is very good and they prepared very well. The morale of both the players and the technical committee is very high, they have already announced this at the press conference. Therefore, we are ready.”
