Servant of the people: the previews of the new episodes

P.goes on LA7tonight at 9.15pm – the broadcast of the TV series Servant of the people starring Volodymyr Zelensky, now president of Ukraine. Conceived, written and produced by himself in 2015, it made him a true celebrity in his homeland.

A prophetic storythe one told in the fiction, which led Zelensky to become head of state of his country himself and, shortly thereafter, despite himself, protagonist of the biggest and bloodiest conflict in the heart of Europe since the end of the Second World War.

Servant of the people: the previews of the new episodes

Let’s go back to fiction. After the amazement at the election of Vasily Petrovych Goloborodko (Volodymyr Zelensky, voiced in Italian by Luca Bizzarri) as President of Ukraine, the country is in the throes of chaos and excitement. It is no less his family who, taking advantage of the situation, begins to promise favors to friends and acquaintances. And to boast of receiving irresistible discounts in your favorite clothing stores.

Servant of the people Volodymyr Zelensky New episodes previews

Volodymyr Zelensky in a scene from “Servant of the people”.

Meanwhile, Vasya takes up residence in the presidential palace and his closest collaborators begin to instruct him on the protocol he must follow when he meets other heads of state. This is how the doubles of Angela Merkel and Barack Obama parade. And also that of Vladimir Putin who, in a sinister anticipation of what is happening today in reality, leaves the room without shaking hands with Goloborodko / Zelensky.

In the new and opulent residence, however, the new prime minister is not at ease. When a valet explains to him where the expensive pieces of furniture came from, Vasya is furious when he finds out such a precious chandelier from having caused many debts to the state coffers.

Servant of the Zelensky people previews new episodes

The meetings (in a dream) with Abraham Lincoln and Che Guevara

At the end of the visit, Vasya imagines again to speak with the great politicians of the past and this time even Abraham Lincoln appears to him in a dream. The sixteenth President of the United States of America explains to him in simple words what he says a good President should do for his people. On the strength of these advice, the new prime minister changes his attitude: he tries in every way to escape from the escort who constantly protects him and refuses to leave his professorship of history in high school.

But Vasya faces new problems when he discovers that his predecessor, former President Viktor Yanukovych, has barricaded himself in his office with a rifle and a case of alcohol, determined not to leave his position and his chair. At home, however, Vasya continues to quarrel with her familymore and more willing to take advantage of the benefits granted to close relatives of the highest office in the state.

And, while waiting to resolve the issue with Yanukovych, the President has yet another “vision”. This time it’s about Che Guevara who, with Latin impetus and fury, scolds him for not doing enough to diminish the power of the oligarchs. For this reason, Vasya decides to move all the offices of his cabinet to a less brazen place than the luxurious presidential palace, thus unleashing the wrath of the old political class.

