Serval Tora is still walking through Zaandam, spotted in various places

The missing Serval Tora has been seen in various places in Poelenburg, Zaan. Gregor Wrucinski keeps her as a pet, but yesterday morning she escaped from the house. That afternoon Nico Prins spotted him in his backyard when he came home. “It looked like a little tiger.”

Nico shows where he and his family were surprised by the flying animal. His house is less than a kilometer from Gregor’s. “It was a bit of a shock! He looked beautiful, really beautiful. He stands high on his feet. You don’t see that every day, so we experience something again.” He did not feel threatened by the animal. “Nah… I’m not that easily scared, you know.”

Gregor heard this morning that the serval was close by. “I rushed out and searched, but I didn’t see anything. It’s really hard to see the cat.”

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It is already the second time that Gregor’s serval has escaped, the first time was in September. He hopes to see him again soon: “It’s my baby.” Anyone who sees him is advised not to approach the serval closely and to call the owner on 06-44103686.


A serval belongs to the feline family. The wild animals originally live in Africa. The animal can still be kept as a pet, but from 1 January 2024 it will be prohibited to keep, breed or trade the feline.
