Series of the week: “Shining Girls” (review & stream)

You can’t rely on Kirby Mazrachi’s world: in the morning Grendel was still her cat, when she comes home from work in the evening she has a dog named Grendel. Sometimes she lives in apartment 2B, sometimes in 3B, sometimes with her mother, sometimes with her boyfriend. And the doctor who just examined the huge scar that daily reminds Kirby that she almost fell victim to a serial killer is suddenly a man. Only the music offers solace: Kirby constantly flees from reality under her headphones to find a safe haven in the 80s post-punk of obscure bands like Pylon or Kleenex.

But Kirby’s fragmented, ever-reforming world isn’t the only strange thing in the disturbing thriller The Shining Girls, a series based on Lauren Beukes’ best-selling book of the same name. Because the serial killer, whom Kirby finally begins to look for together with the reporter Dan in Chicago in 1992, lives in different realities. (AppleTV+)


Show of the week: Almost Fly – Season 1

With Andrew Porfitz, Samuel Benito, Paula Hartmann

Series of the week: “Gaslit”

Starring Julia Roberts, Sean Penn, Dan Stevens

Series of the Week: “From an Uber Driver’s Diary”

With Kostja Ullmann, Claudia Eisinger, Edin Hasanovic


Series of the week: “The Funeral”

The ARD six-parter with improvised dialogues and a great cast is terribly realistic, sometimes it veers into the slightly grotesque.

Series of the week: “The discounters”

A lot was improvised in only 23 days of shooting, most of it is actually very funny. There’s a bit too much fecal humor and cheap punchlines, but what’s really a shame is that the season ends with a gag reflex – in episode nine, while the tenth only shows a making-of.

Show of the week: “American Rust”

Sober, intense narrative of bleak life plans, wrong decisions, guilt and atonement – ultimately a drama about the decline of the American middle class.




