Series of the week: “Becoming Charlie” – Season 1 (Review & Stream)

ZDF can rightly be proud that it is the first German broadcaster to have a series with a non-binary main character – because it’s a really good series. It’s short (the six episodes only last about a quarter of an hour each), but not superficially. Charlie struggles with many problems: a shopaholic mother, a demanding aunt, a dull job and then no job at all.

Above all, Charlie doesn’t know who is actually in the mirror: She doesn’t want to be a woman, but he doesn’t see himself as a man either. What pronoun is suitable for Charlie? Not everything seems 100% believable in this milieu, which – apart from the ignorant mother – turns out to be surprisingly unconservative, but Lea Drinda plays Charlie wonderfully – confused, defiant, desperate, cautiously searching. More of that! (ZDF)


Criticism of Olli Schulz after the Kliemann-Lenhardt comparison

Olli Schulz has spoken out about the allegations against Fynn Kliemann. And in the eyes of many critics, it tries to make an inappropriate comparison.

ZDF media library: Documentary about Xavier Naidoo: Is he purified?

The ZDF documentary “Comeback of a conspiracy star?” examines Xavier Naidoo’s increasing radicalization over the past few years.

ZDF accuses the children’s song “Who stole the coconut” of racism

The children’s song books could soon become narrower: criticism also rained down for the so-called classics “Aramsamsam” and “Three Chinese with the Double Bass”.
