Series of robberies after fake dates: five young people from Tilburg arrested and interrogated

The police have arrested five boys between the ages of 17 and 22 for a series of robberies in Tilburg. The boys lured their victims to a fake date through a fake account. The oldest suspect was arrested last month.

That happened on Tuesday, March 15. The 22-year-old Tilburger was suspected of involvement in the robbery of a 52-year-old man. He thought he was on a date with a woman on December 31, but once he arrived at Mascagnihof, three men got into his car. There they threatened the victim with a knife.

Because he didn’t have much money with him, they forced the man to drive to an ATM in his own car and give his PIN code. The robbers withdrew hundreds of euros from his account. After that, the victim had to drive back and the robbers got out a little later at the Perosihof.

After the robbery, police released CCTV footage. The 22-year-old Tilburger was then recognized. Two days after his arrest, on March 17, four more boys came forward (one aged 17, two aged 18 and another aged 19). They have now all been interrogated.

Multiple robberies
The five would not only have been involved in the robbery at the Mascagnihof. Two days earlier, they would also have pulled a 31-year-old Tilburger off his bicycle and threatened with a knife on the Goirlekanaaldijk. They forced the man to hand over his debit card.

Moments later, the couple struck again. Even then they used a fake account on a dating app. On the Paganinistraat they assaulted a 30-year-old Tilburger, who eventually managed to escape after a struggle.


Three robs man during a fake date, Tilburger (22) arrested

Date in Tilburg ends in attempted robbery and assault

Tilburger (31) pulled off a bicycle by three boys, has to hand over a debit card
