Series about Pim Fortuyn closes with 678,000 viewers | show

The five-part series started at the end of last month with 991,000 viewers, but lost interest in the episodes after that. Last week, 696,000 people tuned in to The Year of Fortuyn

The series mainly focuses on the struggle between PvdA leader Ad Melkert (Ramsey Nasr) and the populist Fortuyn (Jeroen Spitzenberger). The series was written by Pieter Bart Korthuis and Nathan Vecht and directed by Michiel van Jaarsveld. The last episode takes place largely on May 6, 2002, the day that Fortuyn was shot dead after an interview at the studio of NPO 3FM.

Most people, over 1.7 million, watched it Friday night NOS News from 8 p.m. on NPO 1. The Half past seven News of RTL 4 follows with almost 1.2 million viewers. Bed and breakfast (NPO 1) completes the top 3 with over 1.1 million viewers.

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