Serie B, Sampdoria-Pisa 0-2: Tramoni and Arena decide the match at Marassi

Sampdoria falls for the goals of Tramoni (but what a gift from the Blucerchiati) and the former Gubbio

Michael Antonelli

Alessandro Arena’s tears are the postcard of Marassi’s night. Pisa scores two hooks on Samp and the class of 2000, making his debut in Serie B, seals the game with a masterpiece goal, giving Alberto Aquilani the first success of his new life on the bench. Against former national team-mate Andrea Pirlo, knocked out after the good victory over Ternana on the first day.


After the success on their debut, Samp finds Marassi again with their first outing of the season in front of their fans. For Aquilani’s Pisa, making their debut as a professional, it is instead the first match of the championship, given that a week ago the Tuscans should have faced Lecco. The game starts smoothly. The balance is broken just before the quarter of an hour only by a clamorous sleep by the Stankovic-Verre duo: the goalkeeper supports the Sampdoria’s 10, but the two do not understand each other and Matteo Tramoni takes advantage of it to place the 1’s right into the net -0. Pirlo’s team does not react. Indeed, he risks conceding the second goal with Arena’s close shot: this time Stankovic is good at putting in a corner.


Sampdoria puts in a bit more energy at the start of the second half, but Pisa doubles at the first flare. The 2-0 is a masterpiece by debutant Alessandro Arena. After a double feint on the edge of the area, the class of 2000 sends a sharp left foot at the crossroads (59′) and then runs to cheer. He still incredulous and with shining eyes, submerged by the hugs of his companions. The Sampdoria reaction comes a few minutes later with Pedrola’s outburst on the right, who catches De Luca in the middle of the area. The attacker goes with a sure shot, but Nicolas’s intervention is amazing, who concedes an encore with another super save on Verre’s retaliation. Even Borini – thrown into the fray in the second half – tries to liven up Samp’s not very concrete maneuver. In the final, the Nerazzurri came close to making it three with Lisandru Tramoni and Valoti. Then, little else happens. Pisa convinces immediately, good first for Aquilani.
