Serie B, Grosso and Farioli for the Sampdoria bench. Barons towards the Spezia

Head to head for the Sampdoria coach who must choose director and goalkeeper. The former Lecce coach surpassed Alvini and Liverani in the preferences of the eagles

The wait for the Ligurians now seems almost over: Sampdoria and Spezia are continuing the casting before announcing the new coach for a season that promises to be very important for both, with the common goal of immediate promotion after the last relegation. In fact, these are the last two Serie B clubs that do not yet have a technical guide, after Cosenza chose Fabio Caserta, Michele Mignani will eventually continue his journey with Bari which began two summers ago and Alberto Aquilani after the positive experience with the Viola Primavera moved to Pisa to open a new chapter in his career on the bench.

sampdoria here

The situation at Sampdoria’s home hasn’t shown any new steps in the last few hours, even if Andrea Radrizzani and Matteo Manfredi have been carrying on their evaluations and meetings for days to define the new technical and management structure of the club, with Fabio Grosso and Francesco Farioli strong candidates . With the first there would be an agreement in principle already reached in recent days on the basis of a two-year agreement, but nothing has been defined yet. And most importantly, the details still need to be worked out. If Grosso comes from the conquest of the third promotion to Serie A in the history of Frosinone, and therefore has what it takes to be able to go hunting for the company again, a profile that is considered equally interesting is that of Francesco Farioli, after the experiences gained in Turkey with Fatih Karagumruk and Alanyaspor, who he left last January. Among other things, it should be borne in mind that Radrizzani had already amazed at the time of his English adventure with Leeds by surprisingly choosing Bielsa for the bench. Not an easy decision, the one concerning Sampdoria, destined to have an acceleration in the short term. At the same time, the new ownership must also choose the new sporting director who will have the delicate role of setting up a team almost in record time that is necessarily destined to change a lot in order to be able to play a B as a protagonist. Especially after last season saw the farewell of a large part of the squad (which was on loan) with other players having reached the end of their contracts. Not to mention those situations still in stalemate, linked for example to the role of number one (Audero or Falcone, who have just been redeemed, will be sold) or to those who have particularly onerous contracts, which will have to be re-discussed in order to be able to return to the B parameters. five days, according to what transpires, the two new owners will disembark in Genoa for the first time, and it is probable that on that occasion, together with the scheduled high-level meetings, they will be able to formalize their choices, when there will be about two weeks left at the beginning of summer training.

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A similar situation is also experienced by the eaglets in these hours. The owners are aware of the importance of the season that is about to begin and are looking for the ideal profile to lead the Ligurians, who only lost the Serie A in the play-off. Here too, next week is likely to be decisive and lead to the announcement. In the last few hours, after having polled various coaches (the last names were those of Liverani and Alvini, the name of Marco Baroni has regained share, which at the beginning of the week seemed one step away from yes to Sampdoria. For him, there is talk of a possible agreement on a two-year basis, but nothing has been formalized yet.Here too it is probable that the situation will unblock itself in the next 72 hours.
