Serie B: Gondo sinks Palermo, Spal of measure with Cagliari, Modena poker at Ternana

The Sardinians miss the opportunity to equalize with the penalty of Lapadula. The Umbrians collapse against the Emilians, while Ascoli wins three important points against the rosanero

Festival of goals on Saturday in Serie B. Five goals at Braglia, as many at Barbera and one at Paolo Mazza, where Spal beat Cagliari 1-0. La Mantia decides. Successes also for Modena and Ascoli, who get rid of Ternana (4-1) and Palermo (2-3). In Sicily the protagonist is Cedric Gondo, author of a nice hat-trick.


Gondo show and Ascoli flies in the lead. Three goals and seven points. The goal festival begins at 27 ‘, after the Botteghin post at 5’: Nedelcearu misses the intervention on the right wing, Pigliacelli finds it there and rejects on the feet of Gondo, who scores the most classic of “Inzaghi” goals and leads Ascoli. Second goal in a row for the former Cremonese striker. It won’t be the last. At 36 ‘Palermo reopens it with the usual Brunori, good at piercing Leali on the developments of a corner. The tranquility, however, lasts about ten minutes: in the 46th minute Gondo scores the Saturday goal with a delicate spoon on Caligara’s verticalization. At 56 ‘, then, the attacker closes the match with the first hat-trick in his career, left at the corner from a tight angle on an assist from Bidaoui. At 62 ‘Segre reopens the game with a header, but the debut is bitter. The Palermo, in fact, loses the challenge and also remains in ten for the expulsion of Valente (89 ‘). The trio of Gondo condemns Corini to the first defeat.


Incredible match at Braglia. Five goals, several occasions and a goal disallowed. Tesser’s Modena drops poker and gets rid of the Umbrians. Diaw opens at 23 ‘on a penalty kick – Ghiringhelli’s foul on Diaw himself -, Luca Tremolada closes in the 70th minute, free kick deflected from the barrier. The doubling of Modena comes with a sensational own goal from Capuano, who beats Iannarilli by deflecting a cross-shot from Gargiulo from the left. The Ternana’s number one keeps his team afloat a couple of times, the first by sending a left foot from Gargiulo from 20 meters into the corner and the second by deflecting a header from Bonfanti onto the crossbar. At 50 ‘Favilli scores 2-1 but the brace is canceled by a touch of the hand (57’). The trio that closes the game arrives at 63 ‘: Falcinelli, Perugino doc and former Perugia footballer, trims the coup de grace to Ternana with a right-footed shot. Finally, Tremolada closes the game with a lucky punishment. First three points for Modena.


Emotions also in Ferrara. A goal from La Mantia decides at Paolo Mazza, who beats Radunovic in the 37th minute with a diving header on Zanellato’s assist. Cagliari, however, goes close to the advantage twice: on 10 ‘with a lob from Lapadula and on 25’ with a right from Mancosu just wide, then at 30 ‘Di Pardo gets thrown out for a sprawled intervention with a straight leg on Zanellato (direct red). The Mantia will take advantage of this shortly after. At 60 ‘Cagliari could reopen the game after a touch of Arena’s hand in the penalty area, but Lapadula gets the penalty saved by Alfonso, good at rejecting with his feet and keeping Spal alive. At the 80th minute, the Ferraresi also remain in ten: Peda gets warned twice in 13 ‘and rebalances the teams, but Venturato’s fort holds up. First success for Spal.
