Serie A, Turin-Rome 0-3: double by Abraham, penalty by Pellegrini

Two mistakes by the grenades put the Giallorossi’s game downhill, with the English lethal on both action and penalty. In the final Pellegrini closes the match again from the spot. Mou sure to play the cups regardless of the Conference League final. Bremer award-winning

From our correspondent Mario Pagliara

May, 20th

A blaring trio at Turin is worth the arithmetic qualification of Roma for next season’s Europa League. There could not have been a better start for Mourinho’s team, which closes the championship at 63 points and above all is full of enthusiasm in view of the Conference final. In the last act of a season, however, full of positive elements, Juric’s Bull instead shows his head already at the holidays and is defeated three to zero by Abraham’s brace (the second on a penalty) and Pellegrini’s shot from the spot in the second half. Despite the knockout, the home crowd sings until after the end of the game and applauds the team on the lap as thanks to a good season.


Before the game begins, the Olimpico is all at Gleison Bremer’s feet. The Brazilian defender is injured, which is why he is not in the list, but shows up on the sidelines wearing his number 3 jersey during the warm-up to receive from the hands of Toro’s technical director, Davide Vagnati, the award for best defender of the league awarded to him by the Serie A League. He is the Serie A defense minister: applause from the audience for several minutes. He greets all sectors of the stadium and the impression is that it was a farewell after four seasons in the grenade because, as Vagnati explained, “we received so many phone calls, as it should be”. Many chants and encouragement also for Belotti: at the beginning of next week he will respond to the new renewal proposal presented to him by Toro, the public pushes him towards the signing. He will be seen.


Roma shows up with the attacking couple Abraham-Shomurodov with Pellegrini behind them. The charge of the Bull passes through Praet-Brekalo and Belotti. From a possible surprise to reality is the positioning of Lukic as a central defensive right: Juric’s move unbalances the Bull and deprives him of a certain point of reference in the middle of the field. And it shows. Because after an initial phase of substantial equilibrium, Roma pushed by the Veretout-Oliveira duo takes the dominance in midfield. The rest is done by the superiority of Zalewski over Ansaldi (he goes at double the speed) and Abraham over Zima. After nineteen minutes it takes a big reflex from Berisha on Kumbulla’s header to avoid the worst. It is the alarm bell, because shortly after – it must be said – the Taurus puts a lot of his own in it with two unforgivable defensive messes. The first arrives in the 33rd minute and is from Brekalo who launches into a horizontal pass in front of his own area intercepted by Pellegrini. Lukic does not take his time and the Giallorossi playmaker manages to serve Abraham in the area, Zima slips into the marking and the Englishman finds himself alone in front of Berisha for a comfortable 0-1. Eight minutes later there is another red pencil error, this time by Rodriguez: the Swiss back pass for Berisha is too slow and favors the intervention of Abraham: Berisha knocks him out in tackle and from the spot Mourinho’s striker leads everyone to the interval on 0-2. After five minutes of recovery, Pobega tests the reaction with a ride that slams on Rui Patricio’s gloves. But it is still Roma to go closer to the third goal with a low shot by Veretout intercepted by Berisha (16 ‘). The series of grenade errors is not over yet and so on 33 ‘of the second half Buongiorno pulls Zaniolo into the area, for Irrati it is a penalty that Pellegrini makes no mistake. It ends 3-0 with Roma arithmetically qualified in the Europa League.
