Serie A and Europe: what our big names need to be with the biggest ones

Serie A suffers from a technical, competitive, mentality and economic gap that it cannot and will not be able to fill by relying on tactics alone.

If we have not won the Champions League (Inter) since 2010, and in the last eleven years we have lost the other two finals (Juve) by manifest inferiority, it is because we are less strong than the English, Spanish, Psg and Bayern. Point. A technical, competitive, mentality and economic gap that we are unable to fill with tactical knowledge, which is less and less exclusive in the globalized system. While waiting to understand why the French and Germans can learn dispositions on the pitch, but we do not know how to replicate their athletic training, given that we run much less, it is better not to forget that the basic molecule remains the players. out of category as Vlahovic (also) enhances the collective performance.
