Serial thief reports to Heiloo flower shop after online manhunt

The man who stole flowers from the unmanned shop at Holland Blumen Markt in Heiloo several times over the past year has been found guilty. He reported to employee Mariëlle Kouw, who posted surveillance images and his license plate number online after yet another robbery. “He said he was ashamed and will probably pay.”

The thief systematically stole flowers from the unmanned shop on the street side, which is open day and night. All his thefts were recorded by the camera hanging there.

In previous reports, the police would have done little or nothing. Mariëlle therefore decided to contact the residents of Heiloo in the closed Facebook group ‘Je bent Heilooër als’. There she placed a call with clear images of the perpetrator, his car and license plate.

Also via NH/Streekstad Central the call was shared last Friday. That same day, the man stole flowers from the store, she told media partner today Regional city Central.

The local attention resulted in a wide reach. “Even people from Italy have contacted us. We were called by 112 Today and Hart van Nederland, but we all said ‘no’ to that.”

Talking to director

Perhaps all the attention also made the man finally decide to come forward. “His partner has also informed us, with an extensive email. He has been invited to discuss it, with the director also present.”

There has now been a report of theft with the police. “Now it is no longer necessary, but you can no longer withdraw it. If there is a declaration, it is there.” But as far as Mariëlle is concerned, the matter is now closed. “Either you don’t come to our store anymore, or you just pay. I assume it will soon be ‘case closed’.”
