Serena steps in and stops a vandal in action

“I told him that I knew him and that I was sure he was a good person, I invited him to stop.” The former striker talked to him and bought time while waiting for the police

Courage, coldness, civic sense: these are the “weapons” that Aldo Serena used Thursday morning to appease the fury of a 27-year-old Moroccan, who with an iron rod was picking up a glass window in the bar at the Loggia di Montebelluna (Treviso). The former striker of Inter, Milan, Turin and Juve, and of the national team, was born and lives in the Venetian town. “I was in the center with my wife on an errand – he says -, when there was a strong commotion. First this young man undressed and immersed himself in a fountain, perhaps he was hot or was upset. Then he created confusion in a bar, until the owner and employees barricaded themselves inside “. Apparently the boy wanted to get some beers without paying for them. “Once outside he picked up a pole and started hitting the glass.”


At that point Aldo Serena enters the scene, as shown by the images of a video shot by a citizen and uploaded to social networks. Serena is turned from behind, wearing a pair of Bermuda shorts and a red T-shirt, she has a helmet in her right hand. “I was there on the bike with my wife, who was angry about my ‘intervention’, since I could have been attacked”. Serena turns to the young man: “I tried to calm him down without offending or threatening him. I told him that I knew him and that I was sure he was a good person, I invited him to stop. He looked at me and listened to me. Time passed, the police were on their way. In short, I was trying to gain minutes. ” Other people approached, but it was Serena who “managed” the situation, until the carabinieri immobilized and arrested the rowdy, then forcefully loaded onto an ambulance. The owner of the bar was treated for the injuries sustained on the finger of one hand during the fight over the beers. Serena explains why he spent himself: “I did it for the owner of the bar. I know the hard work these small entrepreneurs are doing, what they went through with the pandemic. I didn’t want that place to suffer too much damage. I did it because as children they taught us participation, mutual help. I can’t remain indifferent “. Almost a civics lesson. After the fury, even Signora Serena must have been proud of Aldo.
