Serena Mollicone murder: the machinery of justice moves (after 20 years)

Fiorenza Sarzanini (photo by Carlo Furgeri Gilbert).

P.apà Guglielmo fought for 19 years just to get to the truth. He died two years ago without being able to have a sentence condemning the murderers of his daughter.

And now it’s sister Armida, the victim’s aunt, to carry on his battle. Challenging everything and everyone in order to have justice.

Because Serena Mollicone’s killers have been sought for 21 yearsthe girl from Arce, a small town in the province of Frosinone, found in a wood with her hands and feet tied with adhesive tape and a plastic bag on her head.

Only the obstinacy of her family made it possible to discover that in reality the young woman was killed in the carabinieri barracks and then taken away just to mislead the investigations.

Why, this is the accusation, the former commander of the Arce carabinieri station, Franco Mottola, allegedly killed her to protect her son Marco whom Serena had decided to report for drug dealing.

In March 2021, exactly 20 years after the crime, the trial began against Mottola himself, his son Marco and his wife Anna Maria. accused of murder and corpse concealment, as well as two carabinieri who allegedly helped them.

All agree, the thesis of the prosecution, to silence a scandal that would have overwhelmed the family and the weapon. But this is the real scandal. Because until a year ago no one had decided to really listen to the appeals, the denunciations, even the pleas of Guglielmo.

It was he, never giving in, with a strength and tenacity that the desperation for the death of a daughter evidently made even more powerful, to to hire specialists who could bring enough evidence to reopen a case destined to be closed without guilty.

It will take some more time, the outcome is by no means a foregone conclusion. But the reconstruction provided so far, also thanks to the revelations of those who had hitherto covered up and denied what happened in that barracks, already shows that something very serious has happened in those rooms.

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It will take patience but in the end Papa Guglielmo’s war against misdirections, lies, omissions of those who had the duty to investigate and instead tried in every way to hide the evidence will finally be won.

Is it good that the media are pushing for the reopening of unsolved judicial cases or does this hinder investigations? Write to us [email protected]

All the articles by Fiorenza Sarzanini

