Seregno, “Jewish Milanists”: deputy commander of the brigade under investigation

Massimo Vergani is the name of the protagonist of this bad story, who ended up at the center of the controversy after sharing a post on social media to “celebrate” the Coppa Italia derby won by his Inter. The justification of him is disconcerting: “Simple ultra language”

Massimo Vergani on his Facebook profile certainly does not hide his passion for the Nerazzurri colors of Inter, nor his post as a public official in the municipality of Seregno, where he holds the role of deputy commander of the brigade.


On the occasion of the last derby of the Coppa Italia, clearly won by the Nerazzurri, on Facebook he gave free rein to his joy: “Finally we return to our natural position of domination over the Jews”, referring to Milan. Scrolling through Vergani’s profile, it turns out that it is not an unpublished one. The story was raised by the Giornale di Seregno, to which the agent declared that he had only used “ultras language”.


However, the explanation did not convince his superior, commander Maurizio Zorzetto, who launched an internal disciplinary investigation: “Given that it left me shocked, for me that football is unknown, it is easy for me to condemn certain expressions – he said to the ‘Ansa – From the institutional point of view I align myself with the position of regret and dismay of the Municipality. From the administrative point of view we have rules of conduct that must be respected, unpleasant situations like these can damage the image of people who work with self-denial. a deputy commissioner does not realize that his private life is not correlated with the public one. Sport – he concluded – should be noble and should never fall into such insults that insult everyone’s sensitivity. But I have no doubts about the fact who is not a racist person “.
