Seregno, brawl in a game between chicks: a man loses a kidney

During a match between Polis San Giovanni Paolo II and Lions San Carlo Muggiò, the man was violently hit in the back and ended up in intensive care, also suffering serious injuries to his spleen

A game between chicks, children of only 8 years old, was interrupted by a fight between parents, which resulted in the very serious assault of a manager of a local team, who lost a kidney following a kick in the back and ended up in intensive care risking his life. It happened on Sunday, in Seregno (Monza), during a match in a local football tournament in the chicks category, between the Polis Sgp of the Seregno oratory and Muggiò Calcio.

The facts

According to what was reconstructed by the carabinieri of the Seregno company, who are at work in these hours to crystallize the positions of the people involved, during an action that involved two small groups of rival children on the green carpet, big words flew from a fan base to the other, mostly made up of mums and dads, aimed at young football players. Some parents, however, passed from words to the heaviest insults, then to shoving, up to the fight. At that point the 45-year-old Polis manager took to the stands to divide the dads engaged in arguing, yelling at them to stop attacking each other in front of the children. While trying to restore calm, however, the man was hit in the back by a violent kick in the back, which made him fall to the ground between the concrete benches. The brawl was broken up shortly after, and the tournament was suspended. Painful but conscious, the 45-year-old man returned home, but a few hours later he felt ill, accusing acute back pain, nausea and dizziness. Transported to the hospital by his family, his conditions immediately appeared serious, so much so that he was immediately hospitalized in intensive care. Doctors diagnosed him with a crushed kidney and serious injuries to his spleen, so much so that he risked losing both organs. Undergoing a delicate surgery, the executive underwent the removal of the devastated kidney and the sutures of the spleen wounds, which the doctors managed to save. This morning, after three days of intensive care, his condition has improved.


The carabinieri, who received the 45-year-old’s complaint once he left the operating room, immediately started the investigation. Some participants were identified and listened to, as were the images from the video surveillance cameras in the area. In the next few hours there may already be a suspect, who risks charges from aggravated injuries to attempted murder.
