‘Sensible than Angela de Jong’

Is there already hatred and envy between Tina Nijkamp and Angela de Jong? The two fish in the same pond and are more rivals than ever. And Johan Derksen is now adding fuel to the fire…


Angela de Jong is no longer the only option in the talk show rolodex when it comes to TV-related matters. More and more often we see Tina Nijkamp sitting at television tables and now that she has suddenly become the TV columnist of De Telegraaf, she has actually just become the rival of AD tiger shark Angela. When will the first sneers come back and forth?

Competition from Tina

Today Inside star Johan Derksen is already adding fuel to the fire. Although Angela is one of the regular VI guests, he now gives plenty of compliments to Tina. “That Angela will have competition from Tina Nijkamp, ​​right? I think it’s smart of De Telegraaf,” he says talk show on SBS 6.

He continues: “Look, Angela writes her columns, just sits at the kitchen table and has a vision of: I like that and I don’t, and writes it down in black and white. That is very pleasant to read. And Tina Nijkamp comes from the TV world and will have a completely different approach.”

‘More sense’

Tina was the channel manager of SBS 6 for many years, so she really comes from the world. In that sense, she actually knows more about things than Angela, Johan continues. “Of course he knows a lot more about it. Angela writes on her gut feelings.”

Johan is very complimentary about Tina. “I think she is very clear when it comes to TV and ratings. Then it is very clear. And when she talks about our salaries, she says all kinds of sensible things.”

Many times higher

With this comment, Johan points to Tina’s statements during the most recent contract negotiations between the VI trio and SBS 6. At one point she started shouting that the gentlemen should receive 2.5 million euros per year. Per person!

“That is really many times higher than what we have now,” laments Wilfred Genee.
