Sensational victory in handball top match gives HV Volendam top position

HV Volendam has made a nice success in the BENE League. After a blood-curdling match, the handball players were too strong for Bocholt (the leader and title holder of the competition) 40-39. With the win, Volendam also takes over the leading position from the Belgians.

Photo: Tim Roefs on behalf of HV Volendam – Orange Pictures

The home team started the top match knowing that Bocholt was the leader, while Volendam was third with only one point less. For the Volendam handball players, the attacks went smoothly from the first moment. Especially for Tim Roefs and Evert Kooijman, they regularly shot with live ammunition. It was clear that the reigning champion of the BENE-League was no match for Volendam’s attacking urge. A monster score seemed to be in the making, after the home team took a large margin (17-10).

Robin Nagtegaal: “Having the weekend off was super nice” – NH Sport/Frank van der Meijden

However, partly due to a number of time penalties, Bocholt came back to four points at halftime (20-16). After the break it remained extremely exciting until the end. Bocholt was getting closer to Volendam by the minute. Volendam won by force of will and took over the lead (40-39). The victory led to an explosion of joy among the players and coaches. Jordy Baijens and Lucas Schneider had a major share in the victory with both nine goals.

A summary of the match between Volendam and Bocholt will appear later on this page. The summary can also be seen on Monday in a new broadcast of NH Sport (5:10 p.m.)

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