Senior dog, tips for diet and movement

uA dog can be considered “elderly” already after the age of 7, for medium-small sizes, and after 6 for large-giant breeds. A goal that more and more dogs reach without a hitch and that many exceed. Thanks to a healthy lifestyle and a diet tailored to their needs. Studies speak of an increase in life expectancy between 10 and 20% between 2000 and today. Well, of course, but we can do better by helping our pets improve the way they spend these last few years of their lives. For them to be more rich in experiences, even at a motor and cognitive level, as well as emotional.

Senior dog, the rules for a peaceful and healthy old age

As dogs age, it is normal for them to start showing small dysfunctions at different levels, just like humans do. Cognitive and cardiac fatiguebut also impoverishment of functions articular, digestive and respiratory. Among the precautions to be taken for the management of an elderly dog, first of all there is the movement.

The walk is longer and slower

As you suggest amusi, a Made in Italy brand for dog nutrition and well-being, even if the desire to move decreases, daily outings must be maintained. They will stretch the times of the walk, but it is right to stimulate the dog both physically and mentally. The prevention of overweight should be started when the animal is young because the tendency, during the canine old age, is to accumulate fat mass and lose muscle mass. Hence, even more so, the importance of movement and controlled nutrition.

The diet changes

As in the case of humans, dogs can also lose their appetite with age, due to a worsening of the senses of the taste and smellAnd struggling to digest i foods they most loved in their youth. If then, as often happens, there are dental problems, even the choice of food texture it becomes important. Better then to choose softer foods or to soften the croquettes with water or vegetable broth (strictly without onion, toxic for our friends).

The essential nutrients for the elderly dog

The essential nutrients for an aged dog? Water, first of all. Having less thirst stimulus, they risk dehydration.

Protein. Even if the energy requirement naturally decreases, the caloric intake must be decreased while safeguarding the intake of digestible proteins.

Fats, the right ones. As for us, the Omega 3 present in fish are excellent, which have an anti-inflammatory function, and medium chain triglycerides (MCT) contained in coconut oil, which represent a readily available source of energy used to improve metabolism in the brain and therefore for cognitive dysfunction.

Brain antioxidants. To counteract aging in the brain, off a C vitamin present in fruit e Vitamin E in vegetable oils and seeds, as well as zinc, copper and manganese.

fibers. It may be useful to include it in the diet of elderly dogs with intestinal problems. They help control blood sugar and counteract the onset of diabetes.

Natural calmers: here are the 10 most affectionate and empathetic dog breeds

Natural calmers: here are the 10 most affectionate and empathetic dog breeds

Checks at the vet, frequent and tailored

It is also advisable to increase the frequency of “check ups” at the vet, every 6 months, to recognize any pathologies in the bud. Both exercise and diet go then calibrated on the specific needs of each animalespecially in the case of joint problems on the one hand and chronic kidney disease on the other. and you must always evaluate the body condition of your pet.

