Senator Schwarz: Saving energy “exactly the right measure”

In view of the impending gas shortage, costs are down Photo: Rolf W. Hapke

From BZ/dpa

In view of the impending gas shortage in the coming months, Berlin’s Economics Senator Stephan Schwarz (independent) has described private energy saving as “exactly the right measure”.

“Everything we save now will help us in winter,” said Schwarz on Monday evening in the RBB “Abendschau”.

The gas storage facilities are currently still being filled and are currently at around 65 percent. Around 90 percent of the capacities should be filled by November.

Schwarz curbed fears that the gas situation could be so tense in winter that people would have to be cared for in warm tents.

“It’s true that we in the Senate are also preparing for the very worst case, but we’re not there,” emphasized the senator.

In the event of a gas shortage, private households and the critical infrastructure would be the last to be shut down.


Energy costs Saving energy Gas Stephan Schwarz
