Senator refuses to provide information about corona measures in autumn

By Gunnar Schupelius

New restrictions on personal freedom are planned from October. Information about this is withheld from the public. This is not only undemocratic, but also outrageous, says Gunnar Schupelius.

The federal states are planning new corona regulations from October 1st, especially Berlin. Health Senator Ulrike Gote (Greens) called for a “tool box” on June 29 in order to be able to take measures against the spread of the virus.

On August 3rd, this “tool box” was presented in the form of a new Infection Protection Act. The federal ministers Lauterbach (SPD, health) and Buschmann (FDP, justice) had negotiated it.

According to this law, there may be a nationwide mask requirement or contact restrictions, the pressure is increased so that citizens can be vaccinated again.

Now one would have thought that Ms. Gote would announce what she intends to do with this “tool box” or put it another way: Which new Corona regulations are planned in Berlin from October?

But the senator does not want to reveal that. We asked in great detail: Will there be a general obligation to wear masks and contact restrictions? What requirements can be expected for gastronomy and retail?

The answer was short, arrogant and meaningless: “The measures taken by the Senate to combat the Covid 19 pandemic are always based on the current infection situation. The Senate will consider this in due course. We cannot anticipate the results of the consultation.”

What to make of it? The measures are of course based on the current infection process, but they will probably not be conjured out of a hat, at least we don’t want to hope so.

They are planned in advance and decided in the Health Senate. Ms. Gote is in charge and would now have to run through the scenarios for the period from October and explain which restrictions she would like to implement in which situation.

Citizens are entitled to such information, because they are the ones affected. Instead, Ms. Gote entrenches herself in a totally inappropriate secrecy. She has apparently forgotten that it is part of democratic culture to disclose plans. After all, we don’t live in China.

And what is it actually about? The danger that still emanates from the corona virus is not described at all. The so-called “summer wave” that Minister Lauterbach had warned about was comparatively harmless.

Of course, there will be more infections in the fall. But they will probably be less dangerous, that is foreseeable.

Are therefore laws and regulations justified that again incapacitate all citizens and deprive them of their personal freedom? No, certainly not.

Germany is going its own way, politics has gone astray again. The lockdown has done the greatest damage, mentally and materially. Didn’t anyone learn from that?

Is Gunnar Schupelius right? Call: 030/2591 73153 or email: [email protected]
