Senate takes a look at the vaccination status of refugees

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – The Berlin Senate is taking a look at the vaccination status of war refugees from Ukraine. State Secretary for Health Thomas Götz said on Monday in the competent specialist committee of the House of Representatives that it is currently being examined together with other parties to what extent people can be offered vaccinations against other infectious diseases in addition to corona vaccinations. Because in addition to Corona, the necessary vaccination status for many new arrivals, for example for mumps, measles or rubella, is “not always given”.

It is also important to set up structures for diagnosing and treating tuberculosis, says Götz. Because the incidence of this disease is significantly higher in Ukraine with 42 cases per 100,000 inhabitants than in Germany (5 cases). That is not a dramatic value, and tuberculosis is not such a highly infectious disease as Covid-19. “But nonetheless, of course, that’s something that has to be taken into account.” The use of an X-ray bus is therefore being examined at the moment in order to enable diagnoses in Ukrainian refugees.

