Senate promotes stage for Israel haters

The Oyoun cultural center on Lucy-Lameck-Strasse in Neukölln

The Oyoun cultural center on Lucy-Lameck-Strasse in Neukölln Photo: Sven Meissner

By Stephen Peter

The Oyoun cultural center on Lucy-Lameck-Straße has been supported by the Senate with over one million euros annually since 2020. Does this money also support anti-Semitism?

The CDU MP Christopher Förster (36) raises this accusation. Background: On May 11, the cultural center made its rooms “Palestine Speaks” available.

This group was banned from meeting several times in May because otherwise there would be inflammatory and anti-Semitic slogans and a glorification of violence.

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Together with “Palestine Speaks”, the Neuköllner Linke invited to the event “Palestinian Voices in Germany – How can the oppression end?” in the Oyoun.

“The group repeatedly attracts attention because of its anti-Semitism,” according to an analysis by the Amadeu Antonio Foundation. “Anti-Semitic banners and slogans often have no consequences or are presented as supposed isolated cases.” On its own website, “Palestine Speaks” accuses Israel of “ethnic cleansing”.

Förster on the BZ: “It is unacceptable that anti-Semites in Berlin can use publicly funded spaces.”

The responsible cultural administration agrees with him. “The group takes positions that are directed against Israel’s right to exist,” said State Secretary Torsten Wöhlert (61, left) in response to Förster’s request.

The authority warns the Oyoun: “Events involving this group should not be made available in publicly funded institutions.”


Anti-Semitism Die Linke Berlin Palestine
