Senate on fatal accident: use delayed despite rescue lane

From BZ/dpa

When a cyclist was run over by a cement mixer, an urgently needed special police vehicle was stuck in the climate glue traffic jam. The woman later died in hospital. In this case, the Senate has now also pointed out delays despite rescue lanes.

After the accident on October 31, in which the woman was trapped under a truck, the special vehicle of the fire brigade in Charlottenburg drove onto the Siemensdamm on the Autobahn, State Secretary Torsten Akmann (SPD) said on Monday in the Interior Committee.

There “there were the first delays due to a traffic jam. Due to the formation of a rescue lane, the mission could only be carried out with hesitation,” said Akmann. “The traffic delays there were caused by road blockades by climate activists.”

Torsten Akmann (archive photo)

Interior Secretary Torsten Akmann (SPD) (archive photo) Photo: pa/Monika Skolimowska/dpa

Akmann continued: “The question of whether the late arrival of the special vehicle was decisive or a relevant factor in the rescue operation is relevant to the investigation.” Now you should let the public prosecutor’s office do its job and not judge prematurely.

► The climate protection group “Last Generation” had rejected the blame for the woman’s death and argued that the traffic jams they created were not a problem because the fire brigade could use the so-called rescue lanes during their operations.

According to the fire department, the rescue workers lost seven to nine minutes due to the traffic jam. However, lifting the truck would also have taken some time. The fire brigade and the emergency doctor decided not to wait but to quickly free the victim to treat him and take him to the hospital. The truck was run down by the woman’s leg. The woman died a few days later.

The Senate and the fire brigade had recently announced that fire brigade operations had been obstructed in 17 cases since the summer by road blockades by climate protection demonstrators. It was almost always about the late arrival of ambulances, sometimes also in the case of urgent emergency transport.
