Senate increases money sixfold for Berlin’s disaster relief workers!

Together with over 100 volunteers, the leaders of Berlin's five disaster control services demonstrated yesterday in front of the Berlin House of Representatives.  The signs say: “20 cents is not enough".  Because Berlin can only afford this much protection per inhabitant per year

Together with over 100 volunteers, the leaders of Berlin’s five disaster control services demonstrated in front of the Berlin House of Representatives on Friday. With success! Photo: Olaf Selchow

By Björn Trautwein

This protest was really worth it! Just one day after the demonstration by over 100 volunteer civil protection workers in front of the Berlin House of Representatives on Friday, politicians reacted: Black and Red increased funding for the country’s disaster protection.

And plenty of it. Instead of the 700,000 euros previously estimated in the budget, four million euros are now to be provided for the years 2024 and 25. The two faction leaders Dirk Stettner (CDU) and Raed Saleh (SPD) announced this together on Saturday.

This means that the Red Cross, Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund, Johanniter, Malteser and DLRG will receive almost six times as much money as before!

But: the amount should decrease again after 2025.


Berlin Senate Volunteering Disaster Protection Red Cross
