Senate argues about deportation of refugees

By Stephen Peter

SPD wants to send Moldovans back home. The Greens and the Left, on the other hand, are outraged.

Is the important topic of internal security going under in the dispute between the coalition factions? Yesterday there was a lot of trouble in the interior committee about the topic of deportation.

In Berlin, the number of rejected asylum seekers, who are actually required to leave the country, is constantly increasing. In the summer it was 18,000 people.

Now Interior Senator Iris Spranger (61, SPD) wants to deport refugees from Moldova. Reason: Because of the many war refugees from Ukraine, accommodation is needed.

Interior Senator Iris Spranger (SPD)

Interior Senator Iris Spranger (SPD) wants to deport Moldovans Photo: Wolfgang Kumm/dpa

A total of 3,200 Moldovans are required to leave the country, and 600 are to be deported this year.

The left are foaming! A deportation stop in winter was agreed at Red-Green-Red. Spranger’s announcement was more or less a “break in the coalition,” according to state chief Katina Schubert (60). The Linke-Verband Wedding even accuses the interior senator of racism because she divides those affected into “good” and “bad” refugees.

The Greens are also outraged, criticizing Spranger heavily. The opposition supports the plans. “Moldova is a safe third country and places for people seeking help are urgently needed for people fleeing the Ukrainian war zone,” says interior expert Björn Jotzo (47, FDP).

Alexander J. Herrmann (46, CDU): “The dispute between the SPD, Greens and Left about the deportation is shameful. Failure to enforce the law is at the expense of those who desperately need our protection in the face of war.
